Here's a photo I took several days ago. It's of one of my enamel pendants. I've worn it and gotten compliments for it. I like the green. In fact, I've always loved green, but I go through periods when I can't seem to make anything unless it has green in it. My current passion is electric yellow green. I love it with black or fushia or blue or purple or anything almost.
I made this enamel pendant several months ago. I usually enamel on the second Saturday of the month, but this last month I didn't do anything. I was tired and kind of burned out. But I'll get back to it. The enamel pendants have been very popular. One problem I had though was that when they sat in the sun in the hot weather, they got too hot. Now I have an umbrella though, so it's not a problem. But on the other hand, when I put them out under the umbrella, they don't sparkle in the sun as much. Well, of course, everything has a trade off.
I spent today on a beaded bead. It was the fourth one I've made and I'm happy with it. I'll make some more as time goes on. I like combining the various different colors and coming up with something small and relatively simple but eye catching. The one I made today is royal blue, green, of course, and fushia. I like the bright colors. I've finally found a way to add some bright shiny objects to my artwork. Enamels fit that category to some degree, but the glass beads help as well, Eventually I'll combine them.
My other plan is to "set" a cabachon in a bead bezel. Jon's been creating some wonderful looking cabachons in the lapidary class he takes. So he gave me a group of them to work with, to try with the beads I have to come up with some good combinations. So many ideas. If I work 18 hours a day, I still wouldn't get everything done.
Tomorrow is the start of the Labor Day Weekend and the official end of summer. However, we're in the middle of a heat wave and will have nice weather for another two months or more. Today we did get a little rain, but it was a tropical storm from the Gulf of California and only lasted a few minutes.