Here's a bracelet I made out of pewter beads, Chinese crystals, base metal wire, and beading wire. I wanted to make a bracelet that would have fringe hanging down from it. I did make the bracelet, but I haven't made the fringe yet. The bracelet doesn't fit properly and I'm not sure whether I want to take the time to put the extra work into it. I could modify the way it fits and then put fringe on it. Of course, I could put the fringe on it and if it works well, I could modify the fit.
There are so many decisions to make when it comes to artwork and crafts. If you design something yourself, you do have to figure out the design problems. I like doing that with jewelry though, because it does take a certain amount of engineering to get a piece just right, and it's small. I envision making huge big sculptures, but the design problems are magnified by the size. I think it's better to stick with jewelry, at least at this point.
I spent a great deal of time modifying the scans of my etching plates and pencil drawings. Then I formatted about five or six of them into a card format complete with my name, address, etc., so that it would print on the back of the card. I ordered envelopes and cellophane bags to put the cards in. Today I was going to try printing out a few, to see how they look. And would you believe, I can't find the files. Gosh. I'm usually very good about keeping my hard drive organized and tidy, but I cannot find those files. I've looked in every directory and folder. I know I'm getting older, but I didn't expect to lose things on my computer. I lose things in my house, my car, and my studio all the time. But not my computer. Oh, well. I'll do them again I guess.
We had an extra Board Meeting here at Spanish Village this morning, so I have to do the minutes for those. If I wait, I never get them done until the last minute. Then I'll work on my scans again. And the other thing I want to do is get out some of my older sketchbooks at home and do some more scanning. I don't like the idea of printing originals of my etchings and then selling them as greeting cards, but scans of plates and drawings that are modified is different.
Some of the artists in the Village have said that they don't find the greeting cards cost affective, and they may not be, but I don't think art is all about money. It can't be. It has to be about self-expression and then if money comes afterwards that's fine. Gosh, now I don't sound like a very good business woman.