Monday, September 03, 2007

Slow Labor Day

Here's a photo I took last night. It's a beaded bead that I made yesterday. I like making them and plan to make some more. Eventually I'll make a necklace with a lot of beads on it. I'm really beginning to get the idea of adding other beads in with the seed beads to make necklaces that I like. And the advantage of using the larger beads is that I make some pieces that are more substantial. I want to avoid ones that are insipid. It's easy to do with seed beads.

I was going to write an entry in my blog last night, but sometimes I can't get on the free neighborhood network at home. Really, we're very lucky having the network available, and I love being able to sit in my patio or my bedroom and use it. I can use it here at the Village because Philip set up a wireless router, and I can get on the network at my parents retirement complex. My father is now so use to his wireless connection that he is surprised when he finds himself unable to access it. Who would have thought we'd get so spoiled so fast.

I spent time today organizing my photos on my computer. I've downloaded a number of photos of jewelry that I like to look at, and I've photographed various pieces of my own. I put them all together in one directory and set my screensaver to point to that directory. Now when I stop working on my computer so that the screensaver is activated, I see photos of jewelry. I see one photo and I get three ideas. I try to write them down, so I don't forget.

This weekend my enamel teacher is going to be in the Enamel Guild, so I need to spend time this week cutting more pieces in preparation for Saturday. I want to make some new pieces to put out. I created a whole group of enamel pendants earlier in the year and sold a great many of them. I haven't sold any for awhile, but I'll get back to it. I brought them outside yesterday and attracted some attention. That's always good. At least people are responding to them.

In addition to the jewelry in my screensaver, I added some of my etchings that I scanned into my computer awhile back. I have a printer now that scans, and I've thought of making some greeting cards with some of my work. I think people would like having them. When I've worked in other studios where there were greeting cards, they've always been popular. I could incorporate my poetry with the etchings and drawings. I have so many ideas. I just wish I had time.

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