Here's my studio all ready for the Small Image Show reception last Friday. I had hoped I'd get some visitors to my studio. And I did get a few, but they were only ones I invited in myself. None of the people I called on the phone and invited actually showed up. Well, that's okay. Actually, one friend did come. And that was nice that he cared enough to show up. There did seem to be a large turn out of people, and we now have a musician who plays out in the patio. He was there also, entertaining everyone.
Taking off for Borrego has left me feeling that my schedule is out of wack, and I'm not caught up. It will take me several days to get back into the groove again. However, the City is supposed to come this week to make the repairs needed. So I'm off to get a good night's sleep in preparation for a week of getting to work early.
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I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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