Here's a shot I took from my desk where I find that I tend to sit and work. Sometimes I work at my round table, but the desk seems more convenient.
There were many visitors in the Village today as it was Super Bowl Sunday. However, the new photographer across the way brought in some of his framed work and hung it on the walls of the studio leased to the glassblower. His work is wonderful, very professional looking. He was talking about the fact that he has a printer that he can use to print photographs as wide as 24 inches. Then he started talking about wanting to buy a laser printer for creating brochures and marketing items.
In the old days, we would die for a laser printer. I remember the first one we had in the building, one that about 20 of us shared. It printed so beautifully comparied to that old daisy wheel printer and the dot matrix I had on my desk. Nowadays, the ink jet printer is considered a better printer for photographs than a laser. So I was surprised to hear him say he wanted one. But he said, "oh, no, not for printing photographs." Times and equipment have changed.
I worked on a knotted necklace today, finishing the one I started yesterday, or I should say I finished the task. I wound up redoing the necklace I had started and adding additional beads coupled with fewer knots to make it longer. I suppose you could call it a new product line. And I also finished the bracelet I started yesterday, the one that replaces the one I sold. Well, it doesn't really replace it, because at this point I'm not keeping track of what beads I use for each bracelet. I'm starting to write down the information on some of the necklaces. Eventually I'd like to keep track of all of them, with the thought that I might make more than one of the same in some cases. And I'd like to scan them into my computer so I have a visual record of them. It's time to start applying myself to some of the computer parts of my business, including my website.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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