Thursday, March 30, 2006
Trying To Keep To a Schedule
There are almost 300 beads in the Peruvian opal necklace. I've finished half of knotting, but the project took me most of my five-hour day to get to that point. Once I begin knotting, I can go fairly quickly, but any necklace takes time to set up. So thinking I could make the whole necklace in one day was a pipe dream. Of course, like anything, after I've done a few more, I'll be able to work faster, make more progress. I'm not there yet. So, I can't really set a specific schedule for myself, a quota of how many pieces I can make in a week, for example. I'll work toward that though, because I find it helps me to have a written goal. That way I can accomplish what I want to.
The carpenter from the City didn't make it over to the studio today, so I assume he won't start until next week sometime. Then they will paint for me, but I have to put up the lights first, so I can see the whole process is probably going to take at least another two weeks. Oh, well, someday I can look back and laugh.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Long Strands of Knots

Here's a photo I took this afternoon about 4:30 on the edge of the main patio at Spanish Village. If you look carefully at the top left flower on the plant, you can see a hummingbird drinking nectar. I tried to move in a little closer, but then I waited too long and he flew away, up into the branchs of the jacaranda tree in the main patio of Spanish Village. While I watched, he systematically went from blossom to blossom drinking the nectar. When he turned so the sun hit the front of his head, he flashed a bright red color. I hoped to get that red, but I waited too long.
Today turned out to be rather productive in several respects. The City electrician worked in my studio, adding fixtures to the ceiling so that I can install track lighting. He will add some outlets and do some more work tomorrow. But in the meantime the ceiling is ready to be replaced. I don't know if the carpenter will start that tomorrow or next week, but soon. Then the only thing left will be to install the track lights and paint. Then I can be open for business.
In the meantime, I spent the day in one of the other studios working on the breciated jasper necklace that I started yesterday. It turned out to be a problem. I had hoped that I could string 212 beads on one strand of pre-measured silk. However, because the beads are small, so that more knots are required, I wasn't able to get so many beads on the silk. So what I did was string half the beads on each of two pieces of silk. I knotted between each bead and then attached the ends to beads with wire loops on them. After I was finished with all the knotting, I was able to create more wire loops and attach the two strands together. This way I can make very long necklaces which are in fashion now and still use the pre-measured silk which is very handy to work with. I could use the same technique to attach a whole lot of strands of knotted beads together to make a multi-strand necklace, something I'd been wanting to do for quite awhile.
The pleasant finish to my day was when I went back to the bead store to buy more silk for tomorrow's project, both owners complimented me on my necklace spontaneously and at the same time. Sometimes I take my jewelry off before I go into the bead stores, but this time I was in a hurry. Also, I find that the knotted beads hang better if the silk is allowed to stretch a little by my wearing the necklace or by hanging it up somewhere.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
So Now Are We All In Agreement?
I worked in my studio today for several hours, went to do some errands, and came back to work some more. I'm worked on a necklace of flat breciated jasper hearts. I want to make some knotted necklaces that hang down to waist level. I think the knotting should help the beads hang very nicely. I also got out several other necklaces to finish working on. I'll make new pieces, but I want to finish pieces I've started. That's my goal: to finish what I start, unless I run out of materials.
This weekend, I'll finish up my first special project, the bracelet with lettering and watch parts on it. Then my next project will be made with some teardrop rings that were specially cut for me to use. I'm not sure how I'm going to use them just yet, but I have several ideas. They will require that I do some sanding to smooth them off. Then I'll probably combine them with silver and crystals. I'm not sure yet. That's for next week. Right now my unconscious mind will work on the problem.
Last week I ordered several items from two different websites, materials for jewelry. They were to be sent by UPS and I requested that they be delivered to my studio at Spanish Village. Apparently the UPS delivery guy knows to take the packages to the Village office if nobody is in the studio. So late this morning, the Village liaison brought me my first UPS package. That's much more convenient than getting it at home where it stands the chance of being eaten by the dogs. Now that I have my first package, I really feel like I'm in business.
Monday, March 27, 2006
The City Is Still Talking
I spent some time today looking for a chair for my table outside. I found a drafting table chair for $12.95 at one of the thrift stores. I think if I'd bought it from on office supply store it would have cost $100 to $125. So I'm happy to have it. I can leave it outside without worrying too much about it. I'll find a large plastic bag to cover it at night so that rain and dew don't soak into the seat. Otherwise it should be fine outside. The seat is red and the umbrella I bought several days ago has a red stripe around the outside of it. It's perfect. Now I just need to get one of the artists to add blocks to the legs of the table so that it's high enough for me to work at. Then I'll be all set for warm weather. I'll enjoy working outside. I always did when I was a partner in the other studio.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Getting Ready For Spring

Here's a picture of the exposed ceiling. I think the open beams are attractive, but apparently because they are open and not separated from the areas adjacent to the studio, fire could easily spread from my studio to others around it if a fire started in my studio. If the ceiling is replaced, then an envelope will be created that will contain the fire for an hour, by which time the fire department could respond. Anyway, that's the theory as I understand it. So hopefully they'll come replace the ceiling this week. And the electrician will be able to finish as well.
We've started to have some warmer weather now that spring has arrived. I got myself an umbrella and a stand to use with my table outside. I move the table away from the building so I can sit behind it. Now I need to find a chair to sit on, one that swivels so that I can get out easily. I want one that is high like a bar stool or drafting table chair. That way, I'm at eye level with people who come by to talk to me. Also, the surface of the table will be higher so that people can see what I'm doing without having to bend over. I find that level works very well. Then I can begin to think about doing some metalsmithing.
I spent the day working on my first weekly project. It's a bracelet with clock/wathch parts as charms. I created the bracelet out of 18 gauge sterling wire. It took me about four hours. Then I began to add charms. I'm still going to spend more time this week working on it. But I should be able to get it finished and work on some other pieces as well. That's my goal.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The City Speaks
In the meantime, yesterday I made up my mind to reclaim my studio and start to work in there again. I have one more week of helping out in the other studio. Then I'll be ready to work in my own studio five days per week. So anyway, last night I got some help moving my furniture back into position. I haven't done anything else, but I was able to work in my studio today. It felt so nice to be there, so comfortable. I created a necklace and then a talisman for a friend, one I had promised.
My studio contains a large number of strands of semi-precious stones that I will eventually make into jewelry. I subscribe to the theory that stones have energies that they release, and I believe we can benefit from those energies. One of the reasons I feel so comfortable in my studio is because I'm surrounded by all those stones.
Last night when we took the furniture out of my work corner and I uncovered the strands of stones, I just had to sit for awhile and look at all of them. I was so taken with them all. They look beautiful. They also give me ideas for jewelry, so much so that I feel I need to work around the clock, seven days a week to accomplish everything I'd like. And I continually have ideas for new pieces, new combinations of stones, and new color combinations. Then of course I start to think about using my metalsmithing skills to make a variety of other pieces. There's so much I want to do.
Friday, March 24, 2006
No More Waiting

Here's what my studio looks like right now. At this point I have no idea when the City will have time to address the issue of the ceiling. So I've come to the decision that I'm going to put everything back where it was and go on. When the City carpenters are ready to come and install the drop ceiling or make other repairs, I'll move everything back again. But who knows when that will happen. Certainly soon I hope, but in the meantime, I need to sit in my studio workspace and gather my creativity around me. I'm too scattered right now.
Today I'm busy, but I'm determined that tomorrow I'm going to go over to the studio and work. In addition to putting my studio back together, I'm looking forward to working outside. Yesterday was a wonderfully warm day and hopefully our "cold" weather is over for the season. As long as it gets up to 65 or 68 degrees it's warm enough for me. The concrete patios that surround the buildings help keep it pleasantly warm. I need an umbrella and a chair and I can sit outside at my table. The table itself needs a little repair done on it, but the artist who originally built it has said he will take care of that for me.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tired of Waiting
It's late tonight, so I'm off to sleep. I did make a necklace this afternoon, a knotted one that took me only about an hour. I used crystals between the chalcedony to make it a little longer. I'm not sure I like the way it came out. But I can wear it this way for awhile and then take it apart if I want to.
I honestly don't feel I've been doing my best work recently. Of course, I could blame it on being ousted from my studio temporarily, but I just think it's a low point in my life right now, maybe created by coming out of illness. Anyway, things will improve. And I always think that each piece of jewelry or other artwork that I create is part of the learning experience. allowing me to develop as an artist, hopefully leading to better work in the long run.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Still Waiting For the City
I spent the day making a necklace of pearls. I added some silver charms. I want to put more beads on it and probably make it longer. But I got a good start on it.
I formed the idea of creating a new project each week that uses a technique other than the wire wrtapping one that I use now. I am all set to begin with a charm bracelet using clock and watch parts. However, at this point I'll have to wait until I can get to my tools. The only other option is to tear apart my studio and I might wind up doing that if I lose my patience. I have enough beads and findings to make a number of pieces of jewelry, but I really want to get into making something else. If I don't go to the studio this weekend, I can work on the website and also my business cards and packaging. I'm looking forward to creating some cute fold up boxes that I can print on my printer and then cut up and fold to hold jewelry. And I suppose I need to create a logo. There's so much work to creating the marketing materials. But I enjoy doing it. Maybe I'll use one of my drawings or etchings as a background.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Brown Bag, Ltd.
I'm off to bed in preparation for an early start. I'm exercising, "a sound mind, in a sound body." Should help me be more creative. For some reason I still can't get onto the Sprint website, so I can't get to my photos. I'll have to address that problem later in the week. Now I'm going to sleep, perchance to dream.
Bumps In the Road

So here I am again trying to begin the week by writing on Monday evening only to find that it is now Tuesday morning. Oh, well, there are bumps in the road. I've been trying all day to get on the Sprint website to download photos I took with my cellphone and I can't seem to get there. When my laptop crashed recently, I lost some of my files including one in which I had downloaded some photos to use for my blog. No matter how long we pursue computer technology there will always be bumps. So I hunted around on my hard drive and came up with this drawing that I photographed with my phone and saved awhile back.
On Saturday night our family went out to celebrate my father's 88 birthday at a Chinese restaurant. And of course at the end of the meal there were fortune cookies. My mother, who was sitting next to me, asked me to read her fortune. "There are a lot of bumps on the way to easy street," I read. Even though my father was engaged in a separate conversation on the other side of the table, he immediately looked up and said "there are a lot of bumps everywhere."
It was nice to hear him express that comment. I've been feeling my share of bumps lately, including having a flu bug that's kept me in bed for over two weeks, but I've also had several people assure me that there are bumps, that life is not perfect and we just do the best we can. I always like it when I get feedback like that because it makes me feel I'm normal, not some kind of mental case, something I have a tendency to worry about a great deal. Well, I suppose some times more than others and probably not as much as I use to in my younger days.
Anyway, my flu seems to be mostly gone except for a residual cough, and I'm back on track. I will go back to writing here everyday. It's good discipline and helps me keep my mind on my goals. And I find I have lots to say.