Here's what my studio looks like right now. At this point I have no idea when the City will have time to address the issue of the ceiling. So I've come to the decision that I'm going to put everything back where it was and go on. When the City carpenters are ready to come and install the drop ceiling or make other repairs, I'll move everything back again. But who knows when that will happen. Certainly soon I hope, but in the meantime, I need to sit in my studio workspace and gather my creativity around me. I'm too scattered right now.
Today I'm busy, but I'm determined that tomorrow I'm going to go over to the studio and work. In addition to putting my studio back together, I'm looking forward to working outside. Yesterday was a wonderfully warm day and hopefully our "cold" weather is over for the season. As long as it gets up to 65 or 68 degrees it's warm enough for me. The concrete patios that surround the buildings help keep it pleasantly warm. I need an umbrella and a chair and I can sit outside at my table. The table itself needs a little repair done on it, but the artist who originally built it has said he will take care of that for me.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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