I took this photo just as we were getting ready to close up, the end of another Fourth Thursday. It didn't seem to me there were as many visitors tonight as last month. Of course, the weather has been so humid that I'm not sure people want to be outside. On the other hand, Southern California doesn't usually experience these kinds of temperature and humidity levels, and most of us don't have air conditioning in our homes. But we don't have it in Spanish Village either.
I spent the day cleaning up my studio in preparation for my parents' visit tomorrow morning. Everyone was teasing me, saying "clean up your room before your parents get here." I don't mind that. I'm very happy with how the studio looks right now, all tidy. There are still a variety of things I'd like to do, but I've made lots of progress since last year.
I created a display stand for my longer necklaces out of PVC. Today one of the artists found a board among his supply and attached the base of the stand to it. Now I can hang my longer necklaces on it, and they don't have to be wrapped a number of times around a display form or left lying on the table.
The other thing that's exciting is that the photographer/artist in the studio next door has started installing the equipment for the wi-fi (wireless network). He put a router in the office where we have a DSL connection. Next he will try an antenna on top of the building to see how far the signal will reach. The office is located mid-Village, but one of the people who wants to use the network is located all the way at one end. So we need a fairly wide range. We should be able to get there in the next couple of days. I'm excited. I'll have to rearrange things in my office to accommodate my computer, printer, and scanner, but I don't mind. I'm thinking about what to do already.
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