Here's a view down through Spanish Village that I took the other night when I was sitting at the Silent Auction booth. You can see how we've painted some of the concrete on the Patio. Usually a group of us gets busy before some event and paints the "stones" which are actually not stones but stamped concrete, certainly some of the original. I don't know how long the Patio has been like that, but the Village has been in existence since 1935.
Today was a day off for me. I spent time organizing things at home and setting aside things to take to the studio. I still had framed etchings that I wanted to take over. I've now done so, and I'll spend time tomorrow hanging them up. And I desperately need to clean up and go on with organizing in my studio as well. I also found a group of copper bracelets I made awhile back when I was studying metalsmithing. I've taken them over to the studio this evening as well. I'd like to see if I could do some etching on them even though they're made into bracelets already. I think I can use the liquid asphaltum on them. Anyway, I'll try it.
This evening when I was out, I got another bottle of ferric chloride to use for etching. When I was at Spanish Village on Sunday, I put asphaltum on some pieces of brass and I've drawn on those now, so I'll be ready to etch them tomorrow. I'm very curious to see how the brass will work, both for jewelry and maybe to see if I can use a piece to print an etching.
Anyway, it will be a busy week, getting better organized and finishing up my plates in preparation for getting them printed next Monday at my friend's house. Also, I'm going to set a goal of making another four bracelets this week and using etching ink on some of them to bring out the etch better.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I like it! Good job. Go on.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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