This is a photo I took several nights ago. You can really see the lanterns on the tree in the late afternoon sun. There is that certain time of day when the sun turns everything sort of orange or reddish. Now when you look at the lanterns, they've begun to fade and they're gradually dropping on the ground. Those trees will drop flowers, lanterns, twigs, leaves, until March and then the leaves will begin to grow back again. I think that's what they told me the cycle is. Anyway, the patio in front of my studio, the one I share with the glassblower next door, is always full of some kind of vegetation. But we don't mind. After all this is Balboa Park, the largest urban park in the country. And there was a woman named Kate Sessions who planted a great many trees in the Park and actually throughout San Diego. The San Diego Zoo use to advertise itself as having the largest collection of animals in the world. What they didn't say, unless you took their bus tour, was that they also had the largest collection of plants in the world.
Yesterday afternoon, after I left work here at Spanish Village, I got together with my cousin, and we went to the Gem and Mineral Faire at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I wanted to get some large spring clasps that I haven't been able to find locally or on the internet. I thought I might find them there. I didn't, but I bought some gold-filled chain to incorporate into my necklaces as well as gold-filled wire that I use all the time. I tried to resist most of the beads, because I have so many now, but I did buy a few strands, ones that were a very good price.
Today I spent most of my day working on a necklace and bracelet made from one of the strands, some beautiful, relatively clear green garnets. I interspersed them with small bicone red garnets that I've had for quite awhile. They make a nice combination.
There are a great many people to talk to. I enjoy that. I talked to one woman at length about beads and jewelry. I talked one of the exhibitors of the current show in Gallery 21. She is a printmaker and does etchings the way I do. I talked to some of the artists who stopped at my table to chat. That's one advantage of sitting outside. Lots of people stop by. There's John, the guy who collects cans and bottles for recycling. He's very friendly and always stops to talk, usually about sports. Then there are employees of the Park and Recreation Department who stop to talk and sometimes shop. Usually as I talk, I can work, so I don't feel that the talking interfers with what I'm doing. Sometimes during the week I sit inside where I can think about projects, but I always sit outside on weekends. I'm more visible. Tonight there was a wedding here on the patio. That didn't affect me except that there are lots of people around to liven up the Village. I like that.
My goals for this week are to work on my altar for the Dia de los Muertos exhibit, etch some plates to print, and write some text for my website. I need to work on my bio and artist's statement. Putting down in words what I'm trying to accomplish will be useful.
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