Here's a photo I took yesterday, later in the day than the one on yesterday's entry. Anyway, I particularly like it because it shows the lanterns on the tree outside my studio, and it also shows the flowers on the tree to the right. That surprised me when I noticed it, but I guess it's because that tree gets less sun or is in a warmer more protected place. Once again my botany knowledge fails me. I know there are places where a row of trees will bloom at different times depending on the mini-micro climate they exist in. That seems to be the case here as well. Anyway, I love all those trees. I think they're so pretty.
I spent the day printing out photographs. It's a long process especially with the inexpensive little Epson printer I have. The printer is fine; I'm perfectly happy with it, but it is slow. Of course I have to take into account that I was asking it to print the photos at the very best quality setting that it has. It was working pretty hard. I did go yesterday and buy more ink and some Epson photo paper. So I was all set. It worked out fine. This evening I'll deliver some of the photos.
Aside from the photos, I spent time working on a box again to put my jewelry in when I sell it. I managed to print it at a higher resolution so the text doesn't look as though it came off a dot matrix printer. And I managed to add a layer so that it printed a pale green color. That's not ideal, but it's a start. I'm giving one of my keychains as a gift tonight, so I have a little box to put it in.
I think that the lower gas prices are bringing more people to the Park. I had quite a high number of folks walk into my studio, maybe more than I ever have had in the past. So that's encouraging. I enjoy talking to them. I talked to one woman who draws, but she says she can only draw from life, so I showed her how I draw from my mind and some of the ways I make it happen. She seemed interested. I hope she'll go home and try it. That's part of our purpose at Spanish Village: to pass on information to people, to instruct them. It's important because when you create art, you're in touch with your soul.
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