Here's a photo I took this morning in front of the Atheneum in La Jolla. When I was growing up, it was the La Jolla Public Library, but now it's a music and art museum with a portion set aside for exhibits. I went to it this morning because a client recommended an exhibit there called Uncommon Metal.
I was glad I took some time to do so. The show was interesting, consisting of jewelry and some metal furniture made from street signs and some two dimensional and three dimensional work that included lights that blinked on and off. I enjoyed seeing the jewelry made partly from money, not immediately obvious, and a very long necklace a little reminiscent of some of mine. It definitely further encourages me to pursue some of my "art" jewelry. I have lots of ideas.
After going to the exhibit, I went to an industrial liquidator where I found some wonderful nuts made of stainless steel and plated with silver. They are like some I have already but these new ones are much larger, more in keeping with the proportions that I'm working with now. Later in the day, I went to the bead supplier to find some beads to go with my new pieces. I selected some dyed pearls in golds, bronzes, and titanium to put with the silver, brass, and stainless steel that I have already as well as the new pieces.
Today was my day off. I went to printmaking. I've been helping the professor by working with some photo sensitive zinc plates. They work on the same principle as the photo sensitive polymer plates I've been using for about three or four weeks now. But they have the added advantage of being made of zinc and can therefore be worked further, after they have the photo etched on them. The problem is that we don't have the directions, and we're not sure what to do. We called the supplier, and we thought we had the answer, but after trying today, it seems we don't. But I will try to do some research and go on with it again next week.
The other thing I'm trying in printmaking, something I've never tried before, is sugar lift. You paint with a combination of asphaltum and caro syrup which then washes off in warm water, leaving the painted lines free to be bitten by the acid. I started that process, but I have to wait for it to dry before I can proceed. So that's a project for next week as well. This week wasn't as productive as I'd like, but I'm okay with that. If I could just get one more photo etching done to complete my series, I'd be satisfied for now. And I'm sure I can. I have three more classes in which to accomplish that task.
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