Here's another basket I made this past weekend. I never enameled it though because it's too tall to fit in the kiln. I can either modify it or just leave it as it is without any enamel.
I spent today working on another basket and also on a brass fish that I started at least a year or two ago. I think I was going to give it as a gift, but I wasn't happy with it at the time, so I put it aside. Now when I look at it, I think it's got a lot of life to it. I added some found objects to it, making it look even more interesting. I haven't finished it yet, but I will. In the meantime, with the idea of making a few more baskets, I tried to go to the supplier and get more thin sheet copper, but what I wound up with is much heavier. I'll have to look elsewhere or maybe go back and see if I can buy a sheet of the thin one, not just count on them having thin scraps. Normally the scraps are fine, but sometimes they're either too small, or in this case, too thick.
One of the things all the artists at Spanish Village begin to talk about this time of year is the Small Image Show that is held in Gallery 21, our rotating gallery. Normally, we rent the gallery out in two week periods to other San Diego artists, giving them a chance to showcase their work at the Village. But in January we take submissions for the Small Image Show which we put on ourselves. It's a juried show that runs for the month of February. The judge is always someone who isn't associated with the Village, someone impartial. It's considered quite prestigious to get into the Small Image Show. Lots of entries are rejected.
Anyway, this time of year, when someone produces a small piece of art, the chorus will go up, "enter it in the Small Image Show." I've entered three or four times and been accepted, although generally some of my pieces are accepted and some are rejected. Last year I had two pieces of jewelry accepted. They were made of electrical components. I also had an enamel piece accepted one year. Several people have already suggested that I enter my enameled basket in the show. However, I have an idea for an assemblage. The problem will be to find all the parts and get it ready before the submission deadline which is in mid-January.
I wouldn't mind entering an etching, but what I'd really like to enter is another piece of jewelry made with industrial findings of one sort or another. I have the necklace I made last weekend with brass washers and hemitite beads, but I'd like to make something more imaginative. I also have ideas for two different books as well. That's my problem: I have so many ideas and not enough time for them all.
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