Here's the golden rain tree across the patio from my studio. You can see that it has lost most of its upper leaves. The only ones that remain are near the bottom. And the whole patio from my studio all the way across to this tree and beyond is strewn with leaves. Several of us tried to sweep some of them up today, but we gave up after awhile. It takes some younger, more energetic folks to do the job.
I spent the day working on my Small Image projects. I've been taking several of my pieces around and showing them to other artists, getting some feedback. I find that most people are responding to the various pieces more or less the way I do. They like the ones I like.
Tomorrow is my day off, but I plan to go and work at the Village just the same. I plan to spend this week working on my Small Image pieces. Then next week I may take a break and do some other things that need to get done. But the show has to be my first priority this week.
I'm excited because my enamel instructor stopped by to say that he will be working in the Enamel Guild both Friday and Saturday. Most likely we'll work both days on our pieces. There are several artists who will be working with us. Jon wants to do some enameling. He use to do quite a bit, but he hasn't for a number of years, if I remember correctly.
I also talked to my metalsmithing instructor about some deep etching that can then be used in a rolling mill to make the same impression more than once. I have already created one deeply etched zinc plate in my printmaking class. But I want to make a copper one. I told her about my relative who told me how they use copper to print a million copies of a catalog, like the Sears catalog. So she was very interested and asked me to create a copper plate as well. I have some pieces of copper that my enamel instructor gave me. They're thicker, perfect for deep etching.
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