Here's a photo I took over the weekend when we had all that wind. This is my worktable outside. In the front you can see four of the open seed pods that come off the rain tree. If you look closely, you can see the dark seed in the middle of each one. The pod itself is three petals that are loosely attached. They come apart, especially when they're dry to expose the seed inside. Well, actually, I suppose if the pods fell on the ground in a suitable place for germination, they wouldn't necessarily have to open . The ground moisture would cause the pod to disintegrate. And actually, a number of seeds do fall into the bed under the trees and then begin to sprout as the new leaves grow out later in spring.
Today I was off, and I decided not to go back to the Village. I went to visit my parents and then to the bookstore to look for something different, not work related. However, while I was there I discovered a book called 500 Necklaces. So of course I had to spend some time looking at it. I don't think I've seen it before. But even so, it did give me some new ideas. I made some sketchs while I was in the store. I also had an idea for a toggle clasp. That wasn't related to anything I saw in the book. It was related to something I saw in a jewelry catalog my mother gave me.
When I got home, I spent some time going through some boxes in my home studio/office. I was happy to discover some lengths of silver and gold-filled chain that I had forgotten that I had. I also collected together all the wire I have here in preparation for taking it to the studio. Some of it is picture wire, but some is wire I can use for jewelry and other projects.
Tomorrow I have plans to go to a bead and gem convention here in town. I need more supplies, chain and gold-filled closed jump rings. I've thought of ordering them from the internet, but going to the show is much easier and faster. And the selection and prices are much better than I can get here in town. There always seems to be something else to do. But now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is another work day.
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