Here's a photo I took yesterday of the number on the wall that runs perpendicular to my front door. Below it to the left you can see the corner of the awning that covers the glassblowing platform. On the very left of the photo, you see part of the trunk of the palm tree that completely blocks the number from view. I like it though. It matches the style of a number of the others around the Village.
Actually, having a visible number beside or on the door doesn't really matter in the larger scheme of things. The blue and green canvas I have hanging in front of the studio attracts people in. I think that plus the lamp that you can see shining as you approach the door. People come in and look at the jewelry. Most of them don't notice the etchings. So I'll need to do something to call attention to them. I'll think of something.
About ten years ago, I had a business with two other people. We had great plans. But we use to say "We can't be CocaCola tomorrow." And that's something to keep in mind. While the world travels so fast around us, the pace at which we progress through our lives may seem akin to the proverbial snail's, but in the overall scheme, progress is being made. I'm making progress. I'm getting organized. My only fear is that I might stop making progress, improving, changing, growing. That frightens me the most of anything.
Today I was off from the studio. However, I did spend some time sketching. And I showed my new bracelets to a number of people who made comments about them including adding something to the grooves so the patterns show up better. This morning I took out one of my two notebooks of poetry that I've written over the years. I can see that some of it would fit with some of the etchings I'm working on now. I am determined to incorporate the two somehow. It's something I've wanted to do for quite awhile.
1 comment:
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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