Jon wasn't here today to stand beside the agave, but you can see how much the flower stalks have grown by comparing them to that dark spot on the trunk of the palm tree. They will grow to be about 20 feet tall before they bloom. Then they and the plant will die, or so the other artists say. I'm not sure if that's true. I guess we'll just wait and see.
The wi-fi network was down all day. Finally when Philip had a chance to come over and check everything, we discovered that the repeater located in one of the other studios was unplugged. Anyway, now I know how to troubleshoot the entire system of router and repeaters. I'm a little concerned because Philip is going to Hawaii next Thursday, and I want to be in a position to keep the network up and running and know what to do if there's a problem.
So the day that I intended to spend working on the computer didn't happen. I do have a new desk chair that works very well for me. I sat in it all day and was very comfortable. I worked on cleaning up my glass worktable. It's nearly 5:00 p.m. now, and I can't see that it looks much different. But tomorrow is another day and I'll work on it some more. I still need to go on with organizing everything in my studio. I'm trying to store things in categories. I think that will help. But among other things, there are a variety of jewelry pieces that I've started and haven't finished. I could reduce alot of clutter if I completed them.
I'm thinking of taking a different day off so that I could either join a printmaking class or an en plein air class. I think the printmaking class might make more sense, but I'm not sure I could get in. I'll have to go next Tuesday and find out. The en plein air class takes place here in Balboa Park, but it's a painting class. I haven't done any painting for about four years or more. I could go and just draw, but it's really fun to go out in the Park and paint. However, in order to finish a piece, you have to work more than just in the class.
The teacher of the painting class stopped by my studio and stayed to talk for awhile. She gave me an application for a juried show that takes place in September. The submission date is next Tuesday. I would really like to print some of my new etchings and submit them, but I would need to figure out where I could print them. There's a small private press where I could pay to take them and do them. I might seriously consider doing that. I'd really like to get in. I haven't been in any shows for about four years. Well, no, I guess there were some that I was in two years ago, and one earlier this year, but I'd like to shoot for three to four per year.
Yesterday when Jon was blowing glass, he made a beautiful green, lavendar, pink, and black vase. He showed it to me before he put it in the annealer, and I fell in love with it. He said he was showing it to me because it could crack and not survive. But this morning when I was in the glass studio, I took a look at it. It's really gorgeous, so I called him at home and left a message that I would buy it. The thing is that he intended it for a commission, but he says he will blow another for the commission. I told him I would leave it here in my studio. I would enjoy looking at it everyday. So I think he will sell it to me.
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