Here's a photo I took outside my studio door. You can see the leaves of the tree fern in the top of the photo, and the split leaf philodendron in the lower half. Right in the middle is a new philodendron leaf opening up. I'd like to think that's a result of my watering on Sunday evening, but certainly I can't take all the credit.
I spent the day working on a necklace, bracelet, and earrings made of smokey quartz and hemimorphite. Hemimorphite means half formed shape and is a mineral frequently found with zinc ore. The beads I have are pale blue, tending toward aqua, and they make a nice contrast with the dark smokey quartz rectangular beads. I used the same strand of quartz beads to make another necklace paired with pearls and amber crystals.
After I left Spanish Village, I stopped a two bead suppliers to get more gold chain, beads, and another stand to hang necklaces from. I have a large number that I've made. What I will do probably at the beginning of the month is get another stand or two to keep in the studio. One of the problems with bringing my jewelry outside to my table is that my studio looks rather bare. But now I've been making enough that soon I can have jewelry outside and inside as well. That way I can change the selection around and thin out each stand so that the individual necklaces stand out better.
I also stopped at an office supply store to get myself a computer chair. The Chippendale chair I've been using in the studio is not good for my back and has been bothering me. So I've replaced it now with one that has good support. It will make sitting in there much better. It doesn't go with the decor, but it occured to me that I can drape a piece of fabric over it to make it fit in.
When I tried out the wi-fi connection in my studio this morning, it was fine. Later I couldn't get on the internet. I'm a little concerned because Philip is going to Hawaii next week, and he's the one who knows how to reset it. He showed me what to do in my studio, but I think there's probably something I need to do in the office where the DSL line is. That's something I'll need to make a note to do this weekend. Well, it seems there's always something to do or fix.
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