Here's a photo I took last week. It shows the other side of the little sub-patio where my studio is. This shows Studio 19 way back in the far corner. My studio is to the right, not visible in this photo. The blue area is partly windows of Studio 19 and the door of Studio 18B which is actually used as a kitchen, not as a studio. Someday, we may decided to partition it up into a studio and a smaller kitchen.
I was here early this morning, attempting to get an early start. I found a website that has some of the gold-filled clasps that I'm looking for. Unfortunately, they are listed as out of stock. I called the toll free number and got a recording. Hopefully, they will call me back and let me know when they will be back in stock.
Actually, I have spent a great deal of time making jewelry in the last few weeks, and I'm considering going back to the etching. I switched to jewelry making after I sold some pieces and had some "holes" in my collection. But now I don't have that problem anymore. And I am anxious to get back to the etching. The other thing I want to do is put together the etched copper bracelets that I've created. I have Jon's drill press all set up here in the studio. I just need to take time to turn it on and drill the holes I need for the rivets.
There's so much to do. I am hoping to bring my printer from home later today, and then I can make business cards and label my etchings. Well, certainly I could do it at home now, but I'd like to get everything set up here. Because my etchings have no prices on them, I think most people don't realize they are even for sale. And lots of people don't even see them. Philip complains that he encounters the same phenomenon in the studio he shares with Andy, the glassblower. Most people are so focused on the glass, which is beautiful and eye-catching, that they don't even see the photos. Not everyone is oblivious however; people do buy them.
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