Here's a photo I took early this morning. It's of the back of Spanish Village. Those two black spots near the middle of the photo are my studio windows. In the foreground, you can see the track of the minature railroad that runs on the track behind the Village. It's very popular with children of all ages, as they say. It only runs on the weekends. There's also a carousel back there. We can hear their music in our studios.
It was a foggy morning, and I was up early to go to the gym. Afterwards, I drove around taking photos with my cellphone. That was how I happened to take this photo of the back of my studio. I actually had been intending to do so for quite awhile, and today seemed to be the perfect opportunity. What I need to do next is use the camera that Philip loaned me. It is specifically for photographing my jewelry, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind my using it for landscapes as well. I do enjoy taking photos, and certainly I can take them easily with my cellphone. And of course I always have it with me.
Today was spent working on the wireless network. The DSL service provider claims there's incompatibility between it and the DSL line, so we have ongoing network "wars." First it works, then it gets unplugged, then there's some other problem. Someday we'll look back on this and laugh. It will seem so old-fashioned in a few years.
Speaking of old-fashioned, I had three CD's of fonts that I thought I might use to create some text in a script-looking style. But I had to laugh when I read that the CD's were compatible with Windows 3.1. They were dated 1995. Philip told me to get rid of them, and Jon said he'd take them to the thrift store for me. That's better than just throwing them away.
Aside from computer problems, which Philip solved, I spent time cleaning off the top of my inside worktable. It seems to be an ongoing battle to keep it reasonably presentable. I still don't have a place for everything. But for now, at least if I can keep everything piled up in organized, neat piles, that helps. All the etching plates in one stack, all the little plastic bags in another, etc. And this afternoon, when Andy, the glassblower next door asked me for super glue, I knew just where to find it. I guess I'd say I'm organized in patches.
While I was exercising in the gym this morning, I was watching Good Morning America on television. They've had a series going for several weeks that shows what they consider to be the seven wonders of the modern world. Today's featured wonder was the internet. It certainly has changed our lives in a number of ways. I remember using it in the late 1980's, when I worked for the government. In those days there were no graphics, just text that was maddeningly hard to edit. Now everything has URL's printed. I mentioned seeing one inside a shoe recently. Certainly they're in all the magazines, on the radio, on my cellphone. Who said the internet was a passing phase? Not me.
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