Here's a photo I took this afternoon. It turned gray and cold. This morning was so warm and dry, but our Santa Ana condition is gone. The Santa Ana is created when the wind blows from the desert to the ocean, bringing the dry desert air towards us. I get onshore and offshore mixed up, but anyway, normally the wind blows from the ocean bringing us damp air. But when it blows from the desert, it's dry. Normally we have this kind of condition in the fall.
I don't feel as though I was very productive today. We had a Spanish Village Special Board Meeting to discuss an issue that we've been dealing with for awhile. Then I had a letter to write and minutes of the meeting to transcribe. That kept me busy for part of the day.
The rest of my time was spent working on some photos for my printmaking class. I wanted to prepare another photo to use for photo etching. I spent a great deal of time working with some I've taken with my cellphone camera. They turn out well, and then I can use PhotoShop to make them gray scale and also to change various aspects of them like the contrast and the line quality. Now that I have several done, I'll print them out in preparation for class tomorrow.
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