Here's a photo I took this evening of the moon. Can you tell which light it is? It's on the right, but not the far right. I took it from the glassblowing platform. John, the guy who comes around and collects cans, called to me from across the Park to tell me to look at it. Unfortunately by the time I went outside, it had wasn't as large and covered with clouds as it was when he first saw it. I took the photo of the moon at about 5:30. It was dark already.
There weren't very many people in the Park today. But it does seem there are a few more these days than there were during the summer. I spent the day working on jewelry. I wanted to make some pieces with the stones I found on my trip to Los Angeles. I realize that when I buy new strands of beads, I need to make them into necklaces while I still feel inspired and have an idea in my mind. If I wait too long, I'm off in a different direction with a new idea before they're all made. That leads me to believe that I should never buy very many new strands at a time. However, there are certain strands, certain types of beads, that I'm always using. I like small garnets and pearls. They're nice in between larger beads like tourmaline. Actually, pearls and garnets will go with almost any stone. They're so classic.
My mother saves jewelry catalogs and fashion magazines for me, and I spend time looking through them. Sometimes I find a piece that will suggest a new idea to me. Also, I think it's important to keep my eye up-to-date. We all do that by looking at television, magazines, store merchandize. There are new colors, new shapes that look wonderful, that make our belongs seem old and outdated. So it happens automatically, but I think I can increase my level of awareness by looking at magazines and consciously taking note of current colors and styles.
I believe in a cosmic consciousness. Consider in the old days how scientists working in different parts of the world would make the same discovery. It's less surprising nowadays because we're really a global village in terms of our exposure to media. The internet has done that for us.
Today, when I opened one of the catalogs my mother saved for me, I would swear the designers were copying my work. Several necklaces were extremely similiar to ones I made six or eight months ago. But that's impossible, because my work isn't visible on the web at this point. I just think it's because I'm tuned into the universal energy and my creativity, my eye, is moving in the same natural progression that other designers are experiencing. However, it's nice to know that I'm successfully keeping my eye up-to-date. That encourages me.
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