Here's a view of the patio where my studio is located. If you look all the way in the back, you can just make out a blue door. The blue door belongs to the studio across from me. Further in the foreground were some of the evening's visitors to the Village. We've started staying open on the fourth Thursday of the month. Lots of other organizations in the Park are doing the same thing.
Today was the first official day in my studio, as far as I'm concerned. I'm tired, but very happy to be there. There's a great deal to do, but I'll just take it gradually, a day at a time, as they say. It seems appropriate that the first day is the date of my late husband's birthday and our anniverssary. It will be easy to remember which day was that I opened.
We see pairs of ducks this time of year. If it's true they mate for life and return to the same places, then these two have been here before. One of my partners in a previous studio use to feed them crackers, and they drank water from a dish in the patio. I'd like to think it's the same pair. Who will ever know. I don't know, but anyway, I'm off to bed. I need my strength for tomorrow.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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