When I went to Los Angeles with my cousin a few weeks ago, I was struck by the tree in front of her house. This is a photo of it. I realized when I looked at it that it has been the inspiration for so many of my tree drawings and etchings over the years. I've created hundreds of trees with long exposed roots just like this one.
I had a conversation with one of the other artists at Spanish Village who told me about a website http://www.galeforcegraphics.com. They carry a special rolling pin that can be used to print etchings and other types of prints such as monotypes. I find this particularly interesting as I get ready to set up my studio. I'm looking at the etchings I currently have framed and realize some of them are six or seven years old. That's not a problem per se, but I don't want to fill up my walls with etchings and then just wait around for them to sell. I want to continue to update them, in the same way that I expect to do the same with my jewelry.
Until now I've been in something of a quandry as to how I can duplicate the etching process. (Oh, that's not intended as a pun.) I don't have a press and the ink normally used is oil based so that the cleanup is a problem. But this website offers a portable roller and water-based ink, both of which could make it possible to create some etchings. I'd still need a few things to set up the process, but it's possible to do so. Then I could demonstrate the printing process at my big work table at the Village. And when I've finished with printing my etching plates, I can cut them up and make them into jewelry, an idea I've had for awhile anyway.
Speaking of my studio, the electrician was there today working on the wiring. The painters were there and painted the alcove ceiling. The electrician will be back on Friday and so maybe next week the painters can paint the walls.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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