Here's what my ceiling looks like now. I went over early this morning, hoping the workmen might be there, but they weren't. And now I've just come from there and they didn't do any work today because it still looks the same. Well, I suppose it needs to dry a little bit. I'm not sure.
After leaving the studio this morning, I went to buy gold-filled wire which is what I use to connect beads together. I create what's known as rosary wrap, a method of making loops or rings of wire and then twisting the end of the wire around itself to anchor it. Anyway, when I went to the usual local store I always go to, it was to discover that they have again increased the price of wire. They increased it last fall and now they've increased it again. It's up approximately 30%. It takes about 10 to 20 feet of wire to make a necklace, depending on the length. Now that it's gone up so much, it behooves me to buy it online. My former jewelry teacher suggested I to http://www.monsterslayer.com to get it. So I check their website and then called them on the phone. Their prices are half what I've been paying locally. So when I get ready to buy more wire, I'll order it from them.
It's nice to be able to just drop by the store and buy it locally on my way back from the grocery store or on the way to the gym, but I'm afraid I can no longer afford that luxury. Anyway, I'll try some and see how I like it. They sell it by the ounce. I had been buying 21 feet or 7 yards at a time which turns out to be .45 ounce. A troy ounce of wire is 54 feet and only $5 more than what I paid today for 21 feet.
I've been going to one particular local store for beads. They're actually a warehouse. The owner told me that it only represents 5% of his business, that the rest is in manufacturing jewelry for department stores and the shopping channels. Anyway, I went looking for some semi-precious stones that would catch the light. I had gotten several strands when I was in Los Angeles and I wanted to see if I could find something similar for less money. I was successful, getting strands of garnets and one of chalcedony. I try to find beads that are of a good quality without being overly expensive. I think I'm fairly successful at that. Anyway, this morning, I thought to myself that I might spend all my time shopping at that particular store. The selection is excellent and the prices are frequently very good.
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Thanks you for the link to MonsterSlayer.
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