Can you see how the ceiling is blue? It's a lovely soft color, the color you wish the sky would be on certain days.
I was sitting in front of my computer at about 11:00 this morning, listening to a CD and intermittently surfing the net and working on a garnet and pearl necklace when my phone rang. A man's voice introduced himself and said he was a painter who worked for the City? What? But then when he mentioned that he was in my studio ready to paint the ceiling, I could hardly believe my ears. He assured me that he had a color chart and I could pick out the color I wanted. Since I live only five minutes away from Spanish Village, I said I'd be right over to choose a color.
When I got there, he showed me a chart of essentially whites with various tints in them. That's the amount of color most people think about when they say blue or pink or yellow or whatever. But I said I wanted something brighter. So he showed me another chart and I picked out a color right away. When we took the chart in the studio, the color seemed a little dark, but it was the one I wanted. I figured that I'm an interior designer and if I have a dark ceiling, I'll be able to compensate in some way. But it's fine. I love the color. Late this afternoon, I went back and moved all the furniture and other stuff out of the alcove and they'll paint in there tomorrow morning. While I was moving everything, one of the artists said the electrician had come by around 3:30. So maybe he'll come back tomorrow as well. Then all I need is to pick the wall color and I'll be in business.
There's still the floor, but I'm not sure I'm going to deal with it right now. I'll probably just leave it. Actually, I kind of like the rustic look of it, especially when it's covered with an area rug. I don't want the place to look too perfect.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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