There's my corner again. I've started hanging up some of my beads on the pegboard, but I've been waiting because they painted it for me, and I want the paint to really dry. I also worked on mopping the floor back in the corner especially against that back wall, because that's where I'm going to put the bookcase and I want that part to be clean. It turned out fine. I had less luck in the area around my chair. I think the tile there is probably permanently stained. But I feel optimistic that I can at least do the job to the best of my ability.
When I first got to the studio this morning, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of work still ahead of me. But I took the time to organize my desk and to put all the bags and boxes up off the floor. Then I began to feel there was some order. I swept the floor. There are places where there were leaks in the roof and then dried mud caked on the floor. The only way to get that off is to loosen it up with some water and then scrub with a brush or with the broom. Then after that, the mop has a chance to work, to clean the floor. Anyway, that was my approach. I don't claim to be the world's best studio cleaner. There are lots of times when I think I can't do something, and I just have to force myself to do it, to just push forward. That's what I'm doing here. And now I feel as though I can manage the floor, even it it takes me several days of working intermittently. I work until my back hurts or I get bored. But I keep going back to it.
Just chipping away at it. I have a special friend who says "go out and make a dent in the world today." I love that expression; it makes me feel that I don't have to conquer the world in one day, that I can take some time and work at it gradually. Certainly that's what anything worth accomplishing takes: working at it gradually and consistently. Eventually you get there. That was the most important lesson I learned when I was writing my law review article. You just have to work at it each day until it adds up to something.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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