Once again Jon wasn't here to pose beside the agave, but you can see the one stalk is all the way up to the level of the balcony. The other one is harder to see, but I think it's growing faster and catching up.
Today was very slow. There were very few people walking around Spanish Village. In addition, it was very hot, so I expect that kept people away. Well, I say it was very hot. It was hot and humid for San Diego. We could normally expect a high of about 75 degrees and I think it was in the 80's. Currently it's 79 degrees. The humidity is only about 50 percent, but it feels humid to me. I know there are people in some parts of the country and the world who will laugh at my calling those temperatures hot and humid, but they are for San Diego.
I made three necklaces between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. I usually sit and work all day, never walking around and talking much. Sometimes when I arrive in the morning I think about doing things in my studio and/or on the computer, but usually I just like to sit down and go to work. In the past, when the subject has come up, other members of the Village have said things like, "oh, you're always working." It's true. I am. I enjoy making things. And at the Village, we are considereed working studios, so we should be working. Sometimes I think it could be an excuse to avoid doing some of the routine work, but I also think it's a productive excuse if that's what it is.
They didn't blow glass today, saying it was too hot. And actually, if there's one day when they don't blow glass, it would be Mondays. We are required to stay open on holidays, however, and that's one reason I was here. Also, I'm going to join the printmaking class which begins tomorrow, so I have officially changed my days off to Tuesday and Thursday. I'll see how that works out. I'm not committed to go twice a week to the printmaking class, but I would like to try. I could do a great deal of printing that way.
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