Here's a photo from the other side of the main patio, looking toward the sub-patio where my studio is located. You can see the blue awning of Gallery 21, the rotating gallery in front of my studio. I love all those trees that grow mostly behind the Village. If the San Diego Zoo goes through with its expansion plans, I'm afraid they would cut down all those beautiful big trees. That would be too bad. A great many trees in the Park are protected, but I'm not sure those would be. But that plan may never come to fruition.
There were very few people walking around Spanish Village today. I understand from talking to some passersby that the Zoo parking lot was full and there were lots of people down by the museums, but we didn't see very many. In fact, there have been very few people all summer long, much fewer than in the past. I'm not sure why. We all speculate about it, but nobody seems to have an answer. Meanwhile, we keep pursuing our art, regardless.
I had a productive day, making jewelry. I think in the next day or so, I will have enough for now and I will go back to etching. Also, I'm going to try to enter a show out in La Mesa, about 10 miles east. I need to get something ready to take to them on Tuesday morning before I go the printmaking class. So I'll be busy tomorrow.
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