Here's a photo of the buds that appear on the tree outside my studio. I didn't notice them because they're high up and blend with the leaves, but when I drove around town the other day, I saw them on the same kinds of trees that I passed. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is. I'll have to look it up in the Sunset Garden Book. After awhile, it will have persimmon colored "lanterns" on it, and then it will lose it's leaves. And they'll be everywhere. Autumn. It's not my favorite season, but before we know it, the days will be getting longer again. I have a special friend who says autumn is his favorite. I'll have to ask him why that is.
Late afternoon is such a good time to work on my etching plates. There's something about the angle and intensity of the sun that allows me to see so clearly. I worked on a plate today, one I had started three or four weeks ago. I spent about three hours on it, and it's nearly finished. I'll etch it tomorrow or Monday in preparation for class on Tuesday.
The weather is definitely changing. I sat at my outside table all day, and at the end of the day, I began to get goose bumps. I have spent the summer dressed in thin cotton shifts, but today I wore a blouse and long pants. I was still cold. Soon I'll need a sweater, but I'll still sit outside all autumn and winter on the weekends, only moving inside if it begins to rain.
It was nice to see one of enamel artists today in the Enamel Guild. He's only here once a month. I took enamel classes from him. Eventually, I'd like to go back to doing so again. I could incorporate enameling into my jewelry. While I was talking to him, he mentioned an upcoming show that celebrates the Day of the Dead. The show is by invitation and involves creating an altar to the dead, based on a Mexican tradition, if I remember, in which the dead are invited to return and be placcated. I participated several years ago, and I'd like to again. The show takes place close to the anniverssary of my husband's death, and it seems appropriate to participate. My thoughts have been turning to him recently and creating a piece can be very cathartic. I still have the piece I created two years ago.
Participating in a show like that would allow me to create a mixed media piece. Here at Spanish Village, I'm juried in for printmaking, painting, and jewelry. I'm not allowed to display or sell items created in a different medium or media. I don't mind that, but it also means that I don't usually stray outside my media. This would give me a chance to do so, a good way for increasing creativity, I think. I'll try to make something. I have an idea already.
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