Here's a photo of my outside worktable. On the left side under the top is a green handle. In theory, I am supposed to use the handle to move the table back and forth across the patio. However, at this particular time I have no need to move it and it has no wheels on its legs anyway. So the handle is just for decoration, I guess you could say. However, I love that yellow green color.
If you look below the handle, you'll see a blue circle with a white center. That's the glass eye from Turkey, used to ward off the evil eye, to protect against envious observers. One of the artists here in Spanish Village is a photographer who is married to a woman from Turkey. When he's not set up on the patio, he stores his cinder blocks that hold his canopy under my table. That way he doesn't have to take them home all the time or carry them back to the back patio. As a thank you to me for allowing him to put them under the table, he brought me some souvenirs when he returned from Turkey several days ago. One of the items he brought was the eye. So I have hung it on the handle of my table to protect all of us from evil or envious intent.
When my husband and I traveled to Istanbul, we brought back a number of blue "eyes" that we purchased in The Grand Bazaar. I don't know where any of them are anymore. I know we gave many of them away as gifts. I like the idea of doing something positive, like hanging up an eye, to improve my situation. Another belief I subscribe to and am working on translating has to do with the energy vibrations of the various stones I use in my jewelry creations. I have a wide variety of stones hanging on the pegboard in my studio, and I honestly believe they create a pleasant, restful atmosphere for me here in my studio. I feel very comfortable sitting here at my desk and worktable.
Today I've spent my time sitting inside. I think it's a good idea. Andy, the glassblower, is sick, so there is nobody blowing glass. It's very quiet back here in my corner, and I enjoy it. I've spent some of my time today thinking about and working on a subject for my photoetching project. I have several photographs to choose from. And my plan is to add some text as well. I've gotten the transparencies to print on that I need and I've brought my printer from home. So, even though I still can't say, "watch out CocaCola," I'm making progress.
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