Here's a new photo of the agave plants. You can just see the one stalk almost up to the top of the porch. The angle is a little different, but that makes it easier to see I think. The shorter stalk is outlined against the trunk of the palm tree. It's a little harder to see.
There was a heart walk through Balboa Park this morning, so I didn't get here until about 10:20. By that time there was almost no sign of anything having occurred, although there were tents down by the War Memorial Building and a long line of cars headed for the Zoo parking lot. I would like to have gotten here earlier, but it was nice to kind of lounge around in bed until a fairly late hour. I've been trying to go to bed earlier, too, so that I'm ready to get up earlier for my morning workout.
Today there were a fair number of people in the Village, walking around, watching the glassblowing, looking at my jewelry. But most people are just looking, not buying anything. I explain jewelry making to people and demonstrate how I made certain wire wraps and encourage people to try it themselves. After talking to one woman today, she said I had inspired her to go home and practice. I told her to get inexpensive wire and glass beads so that if she has to cut off part that isn't very good, she won't mind because the wire isn't costly. It's just a matter of time that's involved. But really, that's true of everything in life. Most everything just takes time, putting in enough time.
I'm finding myself less inspired in my jewelry making. That's an indication that it's time to move back to etching. I want to do that anyway, because I want to create some new plates to print this next week. Also, I don't want to forget to work on my photoetching project as well. I did some of that on Friday, but I didn't come to a resolution about what photograph I'm going to use. I'm thinking of doing one of a landscape, but I'm also thinking of doing a portrait. I'm not sure. Anyway, I want to have something ready for Tuesday. There's a great deal to do always. I hate it when the day comes to an end. I never feel like I've accomplished enough. Sometimes it makes me feel guilty.
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