Here's what my studio looked like when I went over there this evening. The gray spots left on the ceiling are drywall showing through. I'm not sure if that will be covered before the primer is put on. I'll just have to wait and see. Since the City construction workers don't work on Friday, I've once again lost another week without being finished. I must say that I wish they had seen fit to finish the ceiling this week because then I could take my furniture out of the back area and have access to everything, even if I'll have to move it aside when they paint. At this point I'm once again Brown Bag, Ltd. It's getting old.
I feel as though I can't fully gather my thoughts and get my business off the ground until I'm located in my studio. I spent a great deal of time thinking about what I'm going to do, getting ideas for the business and for making jewelry itself, but I'd like the feeling of being centered and composed that I get when I sit at my desk. The last time I uncovered my beads and looked at them after several weeks, I was struck by all the possibilities I can tap into if I have all my bead in front of me. Right now I have a short strand of 14 beads. To make a necklace, I need 18 or 19 of that size interspersed with smaller ones. But I don't have my beads available, so I have no idea what I could add to the ones I have that would make the necklace appealing. When I do make something, I'm never sure whether there might be a better combination among the beads hanging on the pegboard.
One day, I hope I can look back and laugh. I'm sure I will. That's my nature, but right now I'm not sure how much I feel like laughing.
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