Here's a photo taken this evening of one of the plants I rescued from a sunny location. You can see how the one leaf on the right is light, having gotten dry and burned by the sun. It was originally in a shady location and then was moved to a sunny spot. However, I have offered it a spot in my little garden outside my door. I had a view of it when I sat at my table outside, and it seemed it got drier and more unhappy looking as the day progressed. So I dragged it back into my corner. I hope it will be happy there. And if it's owner finds a new home for it, I will give it up. But for now I'm happy to have it. There's another plant, too, underneath that you can't see. I'll take a photo of them again in the daylight when I go back on Saturday.
I spent the day working on some etching plates. It's been such nice warm weather that I've wanted to sit outside and work. And despite the fact there was traffic in the patio and lots of people to talk to, I feel as though I accomplished a great deal. As I mentioned, I'm amazed at how quickly I'm able to make progress on the plates, so much more so than when I was working on them whenever I had time to pick them up. It shows me again how valuable it is to be in my studio working for five hours a day for five days a week. We can really accomplish a great deal. I'm very happy about that. I like feeling I'm making progress, accomplishing something.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Keep up the good work. thnx!
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