Last night was Fourth Thursday again. Some people were surprised, because the month began on Thursday and so the fourth Thursday came around more quickly. Lots of folks thought it would be next week. But people discovered us and we did have some traffic through the Village. It stayed light until almost time to go home. I took this photo at about 8:00 p.m. and the camera makes it look lighter than it appeared to me. It shows the lights all around the perimeter of the main patio.
The photographer from the studio next to mine kept me company. Or maybe I kept him company. Anyway, he's very personable and so we spent the time chatting, mostly about his recent trip to England and France. He had some beautiful photographs already on his laptop and some already modified. We've talked before about using a program like PhotoShop to enhance or change a photo. One person asked him how he knows what to do, and he said he just works with a photo until it clicks, until it looks right to him. That's been my own experience when I've played with my own photos.
The computer is great, but it does take time. I spent several hours the other night trying to create a single page for my website. And I did manage to do that. However, I wasn't able to upload it to my site. Part of the problem was that all the files needed names without spaces in them. So if a file is called "Thursday Night Main Patio," Yahoo won't upload it. So all my files have to be "Thursday_Night_Main_Patio" or whatever. So that means going back and working more on one simple page. Sigh. Everything takes time.
A friend just called to say he wouldn't be able to get together today because he's meeting with business contacts. It's disappointing not to see him, but I understand. Even doing something as simple as making a necklace takes numerous steps and preparation. Yesterday afternoon, before Fourth Thursday, I worked at my table outside. I gathered up all the tools and supplies I would need to work. I still had to make several more trips back into the studio to get additional supplies. But that's the whole point of business: just going the extra mile, keeping the momentum going until you get where you want to go. It takes time. But sometimes that's really all it does take is time, persistence.
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