Look at my little table. One of the artists here at Spanish Village built it for me to put my metal storage chest on. I think it's so cute. In fact, it seems a shame to put the chest on it and cover it up. But it will be very useful for me and so I will. Anyway, I'll still be able to see it. However, the chest is very heavy, so I have to wait until someone strong comes along who can lift it onto the table. But I expect someone will turn up later tonight or tomorrow.
The table was built by the same artist who built my outside worktable. He's very creative with wood and other media as well. He loves to scavenge for stuff and frequently shares his "overstock" with me. In fact, some of my three-dimensional pieces that I've created for tomorrow were created with pieces of stuff he's given me. I admit I am like him. I like to take old things, including scraps of paper, and put them together into something new.
I remember first seeing the Bull's Head by Picasso. I'm not sure that's the actual title, but anyway, he took a bicycle seat and some handlebars and made a bull's head out of them. That was one of my first exposures to assemblage and I've always been very taken with it myself. Now I'm going to try it. I've been wanting to create some assemblages that are compact and look as though they actually do something, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. Recently, however, I saw a drawing that included some gears and I thought about some of the stuff I've got. I think I can make something. I'm going to try tomorrow.
But tonight I need to get ready for the jurying in. I bought some PVC pipes at the hardware store and cut them down from their 10-foot lengths. I still need to make more cuts and then assemble the whole into a structure that will hold up my pieces of three-dimensional mixed media. They're like windchimes, except they're really not designed to chime. They're designed to catch the light and to provide visual stimulation. They've met with positive responses from other artists here in the Village. I hope the judges like them. By comparison, my paper art pieces are very easy to display. But once I get my PVC display built, I can use it to display my jewelry as well as my other pieces.
Today was another gloomy June day. Apparently we're headed for some nicer weather over the weekend. I hope so because the Potters Guild here at the Village is having a bi-annual sale. I want to sit outside at my table and work and display some of my jewelry. And if it's sunny, it will be more pleasant. One thing that's interesting is that when I turn on the lamp near my front door, I definitely attract people in. They see the lit lamp and the jewelry sparkling in the light.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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