Here's a photo someone else took of the main patio of Spanish Village. My studio is located in a small patio beyond that farthest blue umbrella, all the way at the back. But I'm actually not at the back of Spanish Village which continues on down a little narrow "street" at the back of the patio. The Village is modeled on one in the Adalusia region of Spain. The floor of the patio is made of stamped concrete to look like flagstones. The artist periodically get out their paint and paint the flagstones different colors, usually following a theme of the colors of their own studio. The ones in my area are painted blue because the building trim back there is painted that color. I want to change that and have even started to collect some paint to change that. I'd like a combination of green, pink, lavendar, and bright blue, maybe even some red in small quantities. But for the next week, I'll be concentrating on getting my pieces ready for the jurying in of new media. That will keep me busy.
Right now, I'm finding that my days off are spent sleeping more than I'd like. I'm hoping that eventually my schedule will straighten out and I won't feel as though each activity is pressed up against each other activity. But, I have found that everyone I know lives the same kind of lifestyle. It seems as though there's so much to do nowadays. Maybe it's because there are so many different options to choose from. Certainly having the option of using the computer takes time, but it's worth it, I think. I'm not giving it up. There's so much you can do on/with it.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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