Here's another photo of the blossoms on the jacaranda tree outside my studio. There are ten trees in the main patio of the Village. Or is it only eight? I'm not sure. But anyway, they're in bloom now. They have no scent but they certainly are a lovely color I think.
I plan to sit outside this weekend, but currently I've been working inside getting everything organized. Today I spent about three hours sorting through a bag of pearls that had spilled on the floor. I put them on the display table and when some of the artists in the Village were helping me tear out the old ceiling, a large chunk of drywall landed on the table, spilling the pearls on the floor. They were mixed in with all the dust and dirt on the floor. I swept them up into a bag at the time. Today I finally took the time to pick them out of the dirt and then sort them by size and type. Some of them are 3 or 4 mm lavendar pearls. They've inspired me to make a bracelet of them.
I spent some time today knotting some tiny turquoise beads on a piece of silk to make a bracelet. Unfortunately, I pulled too hard and the needle came off the silk. I hope I put enough beads on the silk before I pulled off the needle. If not, I'll have to cut the silk between each bead and restring them again. I should know better. It's not the first time I've broken the silk.
I spent time this evening working on my website page in Dreamweaver. I took a class at the local junior college several years ago, so I have some idea how to use the program, at least enough to create a single page website. Then I can link my blog and site together. I created the page, but I haven't figured out how to upload it yet. Oh, well, a step at a time.
Everything takes time. I want to start creating some etchings, but there are a number of steps I need to take first. I have already cut some copper into plates. However, what I didn't think about was the mats. Originally when I started creating etchings, I cut my plates in sizes that would fit the standard openings of some picture mats that I particularly like. That way, I could take my etchings, buy standard mats and frames and frame them myself relatively easily. It worked really well. However, when I cut the plates the other day, I forgot about my "standard" sizes, so I'll most likely need to cut more plates. And I think I'll go to the art store and buy a copper plate made especially for that purpose.
So I need a plate, a hot plate to heat the asphaltum, some 100% rag paper, some ink, some easy wipe. Etching is a multi-step process and I have never been willing to create the whole setup myself. I've never been sure whether I was sufficiently committed. But since my friend has agreed to let me use his press, I will begin the process. He has an excellent setup himself in his garage. I've been to see it. I'm looking forward to getting started, after I assemble all my paraphenalia.
1 comment:
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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