Here's my little garden, the one in front of my studio. It's growing and one of the artists has been adding plants to it. One of the plants has a bloom on it. You can't see it because this photo was taken several days ago before it was sticking up above the greenery.
I spent today finishing up my projects for Saturday. I'm almost finished with both sets of projects, further along with the paper arts projects than the three-dimensional ones. This evening, I'm hoping to make the stand that I'm going to hang the three-dimensional pieces on. However, the artist who's help I need is nowhere to be found. I'm sure he'll turn up, but I'm stimied until he does.
I spent time today cleaning up after creating my paper projects. I'm determined to keep my large table as cleared off as possible, especially when I'm not working on a project. My desk is still rather cluttered, but after I deliver my projects on Saturday morning, I'll come back and concentrate on it.
I've noticed that moving the lamp over near the door and keeping it turned on does draw people into my studio. Yesterday, I had no sooner turned it on when I had a visitor. The walkway outside the door is several inches higher than the inside, so most people kind of stumble in. I've gotten use to their gate as they come through the door. But there were only a few people today. It was generally a quiet, gloomy day. Still June gloom.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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