Here's a photo of my new table. I actually purchased it in August or September, when I first heard that I was getting my studio. Yesterday we finally went to pick it up. If I had it to do again, I probably wouldn't have purchased the table because I don't want the studio to be too crowded. But this afternoon when I sat at the table and took some time to make a book, I was so happy to have it. It's a nice big table, 72 inches by 30 inches. I have plenty of room to spread out my paper supplies on it. I can even use it later for drawing and maybe some painting. Anyway, I'm very happy with it. It really gives me a large area to work. I promised myself I will use it for paper art and then use the desk in the back for bead work.
If you look closely at the end of the table, you can see that the glass top is sticking up. When I purchased the table, it had a Chinese sign inside it, set on a bed of yellow satin, and covered with a thick piece of glass. I purchased the table at a bead store, and while they were waiting for me to pick it up, they used it as a work table. So there were a lot of tiny beads down inside the table. When we brought it to the studio, the guys who helped me suggested I might want to take the sign out and put something else in it, like jewelry. I agreed, and so they used some pieces of wood to prop up the glass so it would be easier to get off. I subsequently decided against making the change, so I asked them to come replace the sign and lower the glass. If I want to do something different, I'll do it later.
It was a very warm day, much warmer than usual for this time of year. Usually we experience June gloom, a foggy marine layer that hangs over the coast before the water warms up. The fog is caused by the cold ocean air hitting the warm air especially inland, where it is already over 100 degrees. But this year we've had almost no marine layer in June. There was a little fog this morning, but it burned right off. They say it's going to be a hot summer. I'm glad I have my ceiling fan. I bought it for decoration and atmosphere mostly, but I turned it on today.
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