Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Sign For the Door Brings People

Here you can see the canvas that I hung out in front of my doorway along with the ribbon windsock. I had some PVC pipe that I used as a display when I tried to jury into the Village with mixed media. I took apart the display and used half of it as a frame to hang the canvas on. It worked really well; I had a great many people come into my studio, far more than I've had in the past. I'll get busy and design a real sign to hang there, but in the meantime the canvas works really well. I have some clamps to hang it from. Then I can take it in at night. I've been leaving the windsock out because the ribbon is polyester and won't fade. Also, if it's stolen, it won't be the end of the day. However, I'm extremely fond of the canvas and I don't want to risk losing it.

I was motivated to work on straightening up and organizing things in the studio today. I work on things for awhile until all I want to do is make jewelry. So I make jewelry until I can't stand the mess and I switch to working on the studio. Things are really shaping up. Next I need to spend some time concentrating on my etchings. Also, not all my jewelry is tagged with prices, and I need to do that. It seems like there's always something to do.

Everything I do makes a mess of some sort or another. I guess the trick is to clean up between projects. And certainly I'll have to remember to do some of that. It's getting easier now as I begin to find places for everything to go. My jewelry stuff is in good shape. I managed to rearrange some of my plastic boxes so that I had two free ones in which to put jewelry findings (clasps, chain, head pins, earring wires). And then I went through my beads and picked out ones for earrings. I made several more pairs this morning. So when I get discouraged, I just have to tell myself that we're making progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.