Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Taking Time To Keep In Touch

Who knows when I'll get to the computer again. My special friend told me this morning that my blog posts from my cellphone aren't working out quite right. Apparently, there's a problem when I use an apostrophe. It comes across as nonsense. Happy Halloween, I guess. Actually I noticed it when I sent the first post from my phone.

Anyway, here I am at the hotel in Los Angeles, and they provide computers for the guests to use. I tried to get to my cellphone provider to download the proper photo that shows where we're staying, but it doesn't recognize the password I typed in. I guess I have the wrong one, although I'm surprised at that. Oh, well, I suppose there will always be some technology disconnects in life.

My cousin has gone off to the doctor, and I'm going to sit down and work on some more jewelry when I finish here. It's been nice to have a little vacation, a chance to get away and then return home with a new perspective. Anyway, I hope I'll return home with a new perspective.

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